Nitro Snowboards
Seit der Gründung des Unternehmens vor 28 Jahren, legt Nitro viel Wert darauf Ihre Boards jedes Jahr aufs neue zu verbessern und aus dem resultierenden Feedback sich weiterzuentwickeln.
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hier gehts zu unserem Nitro Markenshop: Nitro Snowboards
Passend dazu gibts den neuen Trailer zu 28 Winters online:
"Nitro snowboards proudly presents an insight into the passion, team, legacy, and heritage for the first time since the beginning 28 years ago.
There is more to winter than cold, short and dark days - there is a group of people who live for the winter and the opportunities it provides for having fun. Nitro is not your normal company, it´s a family and a collective on a mission to spread the joys of snowboarding to as many people as possible."